Basically active into old age
P. Jentschura is your companion for a satisfactory and successful life
Popular among athletes for years – the P. Jentschura products support you during preparation and regeneration after the competition.
In the morning, a portion of MorgenStund‘, with it a cup of 7x7 KräuterTee, then a few spoonfuls of WurzelKraft and in the evening, a foot bath with MeineBase – the basic products from P. Jentschura are already firmly integrated into the everyday lives of many people. The success stories of Uwe Lelinger, Karoline Dohr and Margrit Abächerli show that they can also support you with sports. For these three enthusiastic and successful active people, you now can’t think of sport without also thinking of P. Jentschura.
Uwe Lellinger is about to turn 70 and has discovered a passion for running. The athlete born in Bernburg an der Saale has seen triathlon as his passion for 27 years now. German championships, cross-triathlon, medium and long distances – Uwe has already competed in many competitions, and successfully too. As well as a few titles, he has also climbed the podium several times for different distances. Recently, he has always had something with him when running: the P. Jentschura breakfast porridge MorgenStund’ – even recently in Middle Franconia Roth at this year’s DATEV challenge. It is the largest long-distance triathlon competition in the world: 3.8 km swimming, 180 km cycling and 42.2 km running. For Uwe, this would not be a problem, if it weren’t for the fact that stomach problems on the nights before the run had thrown him off course. But MorgenStund‘, the wholesome millet-buckwheat porridge, helped him back to his feet. Personally recommended by Roland Jentschura, it gave Uwe new strength for the race. “I managed the 226 km and ran to the finish line at the Roth stadium to roaring applause. Without MorgenStund‘, I wouldn’t have made it through the ‘Roth’ adventure”, Uwe is certain. The breakfast porridge – Uwe likes to spruce it up with an apple and a banana – forms the basis for physical and mental performance and is known for its high density of nutrients. True to his life motto, “I want to, I can, I will!”, Uwe already has his next race in his sights in October – with MorgenStund‘.
Karoline Dohr has a similar story. The thoroughbred athlete (her hobbies include running, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, hiking, riding and golf) from Voitsberg has been active in athletics for 29 years now and her motivation is unbroken: “Even as a child, I always felt an urge towards physical activity”. This also sometimes goes up. Her preferred disciplines: half marathon, marathon, hill running and hill marathon. Why athletics in particular? “You can always pack your running shoes – you can run anywhere without a lot of expense”, argues the 60-year-old. 2008 was a special year for Karoline who competed with the Styrian athletics club LC-Weststeiermark. Not only because she discovered our product WurzelKraft, she also won three medals at three European championships in three different categories in the space of 6 weeks. Karoline Dohr attributes the improved regeneration which allowed her to achieve these successes directly to WurzelKraft: “I just feel better – I have the feeling that I am fit again, faster”. For 10 years now, she has been taking the high-quality plant-based food each fay: 2x mixed in a drink and also before and after her training sessions. Her successes have not stopped since then. Among other things, in 2019, she was world champion in hill marathon (W50), in 2014 world champion in hill running (W55) and in 2015, she achieved a total of ten overall victories in 16 Austrian competitions. This year, she already holds the Austrian champion title with the new Austrian marathon record in the class (W60) – “everything just thanks to WurzelKraft”, enthuses the Voitsberger. To experience a bit more of the effect of the base-building food and basic body care herself, she has decided to try the breakfast porridge MorgenStund‘ and the body salts MeineBase next.
Supported by the P. Jentschura products for ten years – Margrit Abächerli can also relate to this. She doesn’t just swear by one product, however. For the 51-year-old, as well as MorgenStund‘, the AlkaWear functional clothing is also an important companion in her sports and everyday life – for preparation and regeneration after training or competitions. Margrit competes in long-distance running as well as in bicycle races, Recently, she succeeded in winning the second overall rank in the women’s category at this year’s Tour Transalp, Europe’s most important road bike étape race for two-person teams, with her team partner Barbara Lehmann. The passionate hobby athlete believes the use of P. Jentschura products is now a matter of fact: “For me, it has already become a ritual to prepare myself for a competition with Jentschura”. In concrete terms, this means; BasischeStrümpfe the night before, a portion of MorgenStund‘ for breakfast and the BasischeStulpen during the ride to the competition. Margrit also likes to wear tights and ankle-warmers every day – like when she is feeling tired and exhausted. Her routine of rubbing herself with MeineBase after showering is indispensable: “I have the feeling that I recover faster, especially after long days”. WurzelKraft is also right at the top of her list. Even if she doesn’t take the plant granulate regularly, it helps her with perceptible vitamin deficiencies. “I can eat it with a spoon”, says the 51-year-old. Her next aim? “Two bike races in autumn and more long-distance running in winter”. She is already well-supplied with products – so nothing can stand in the way of her next success.