


USC pros take a bath

Multimedia event with women's volleyball Bundesliga players

Original scenery:  At Uferstudios in Münster, the Jentschura marketing team let the USC players take an (alkaline) bath.  Photos (4): Jentschura International GmbH, G. Sarkhosh

Original scenery: At Uferstudios in Münster, the Jentschura marketing team let the USC players take an (alkaline) bath. Photos (4): Jentschura International GmbH, G. Sarkhosh

On Wednesday (March 9), the female USC Münster volleyball players were allowed to take a bath - professionally. While relaxing in the tub, it was lights - camera - action! The Bundesliga players were the stars of a multimedia shoot for P. Jentschura products.

The shooting took place at Uferstudios in Münster-Amelsbüren. At the event, the players declared their support for alkaline body care and nutrition publicly and with great media effectiveness - kind of the way they always do, but this time in an impressive "Hollywood atmosphere". In a graceful retro-looking bathtub, photo shootings and filming took place with the main products of the alkaline experts. The result will be various "point of sale" advertising modules - including a classic "City lights" poster image - and several video clips for various social media channels and other digital performance platforms.

Guyves Sarkhosh, Head of Marketing at P. Jentschura, is extremely pleased with the great collaboration: "We are very proud to have found such authentic brand ambassadors in these professional athletes, who transport the philosophy of P. Jentschura so naturally and enthusiastically to the outside world in women's performance sports!"

P. Jentschura has been USC's "Official Partner for Regeneration" for more than two years. The players quickly understood that athletic performance and regeneration ability depend significantly on a functioning, balanced acid-alkaline regulation. That is why the USC Münster players successfully integrate Jentschura products and knowledge into their daily training and competition routine. It makes the result of the shooting all the more credible.

Sarkhosh: "The pictures are very beautiful. The combination of competitive sports, aesthetics and grace is a delightful and promotionally effective mix. The result will be the linchpin of a multi-channel advertising campaign." And it was a great experience for the volleyball players, too - for once, completely off the court.


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